Where Mr. MasterChef is handed to Ms. Timelock
Timelocks have been used by many project owners to demonstrate their commitment to the security of their platform.
In light of the numerous hacks, scams, and rugpulls across various DeFi platforms, timelocks are one indicator that a project is legitimate.
Timelock adds additional security to the project, as Magicland is not able to make immediate changes while all actions have to be scheduled for execution.
Timelock configuration delay: 3- 12 hours once farming begins
Timelock Contract Address ON IOTEX (3 hours): 0x20a1D9B69BC34B98aa28b022Bb821084ABE02Fa7
MasterChef ownership transfer to Timelock transaction ON IOTEX: https://iotexscan.io/tx/0x28361d2f377fcc572b237d6cad0afafd02bd8ddac3c13c10494358a419563dfd
Timelock Contract Address ON ARBITRUM (12 hours): https://arbiscan.io/address/0xb261445eE14ac83d25996663C2e1365CEA35292A
MasterChef ownership transfer to Timelock transaction ON ARBITRUM: https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x05b1849af64638da375dc217ac352a4a928842f0318dba4d3ae983a791b64c1f
Delay: 3- 12 hours
Last updated