🦊IoTeX Mainnet

Step 1 - Create a Wallet or Import an Existing Wallet on Metamask

This is where you have to create or import an existing Ethereum wallet. If you don't have an existing Ethereum wallet, please select "Create a Wallet". Always keep your Mnemonic and password to yourself and make sure to write it down. Note: This is the wallet that will be used to conduct transactions on IoTeX.

Step 2a - Connect MetaMask with IoTeX

Open MetaMask and click on the network selector at the top. By default, it will show "Ethereum Mainnet". Scroll down and click Custom RPC.

A window will open. Type in the details below.

Network Name: IoTeX Chain Mainnet New RPC URL: https://babel-api.mainnet.iotex.io/ ChainID: 4689

Step 2b - Add thru iotexdefi.com

Last updated